Baby Point Quick Stats

3 Bedroom Detached

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4 Bedroom Detached

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Days On Market


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The History

Baby Point has a rich history that dates back to the 1600s. It was originally a Seneca Nation village called Teiaiagon, where Seneca people established a fur trading post. The land was later abandoned until The Honourable James Baby, a former Upper Canada politician and member of a prominent fur trading family from Quebec, settled there in 1816. The government acquired Baby Point in 1910 with the intention of establishing a military fortress and army barracks, but changed their plans and instead sold the land to developer Robert Home Smith, who developed the subdivision that exists today. The neighbourhood used to be considered a part of York Region but was later annexed into the city of Toronto.

The Real Estate

This well-established neighbourhood consists of beautiful upscale homes, many that are Georgians and Tudors built in the 1920s and ‘30s. Most of these are single-family, detached houses that sit on large lots with private driveways and manicured gardens. Oak trees line the winding roads and smooth hills of the peninsula that overlooks the Humber River.

The Communities

Baby Point Club is the private recreational hub of the neighbourhood, with tennis courts, lawn bowling, and a log cabin clubhouse for member’s social events. Etienne Park has a paved trail that follows alongside the Humber River, and is a popular choice to go walking, cycling, cross-country skiing, fishing and picnicking. Across the road is Old Mill Tennis Club with public tennis courts, and nearby is the Old Mill Inn and Spa, a common brunch and family dinner spot.
Humber River is a popular for anglers and spectators in the fall when the salmon swim upstream during migration from Lake Ontario to the Humber River headwaters.

The Amenities

Nearby shops on Annette and Jane Streets offer European dining, antique stores, supermarkets, and cafés. Just a fifteen-minute walk away is the popular Bloor West Village, with a plethora of specialty shops, boutiques, and trendy restaurants.

Convenient transit is close by; residents can take the Jane Street bus to Jane Station on the Bloor-Danforth subway line, or walk the fifteen minutes from the main neighbourhood gates. Motorists have quick access to Lake Shore Boulevard and the Gardiner Expressway, each offering easy transportation into, or away from, the city.

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Baby Point

63 Methuen Avenue

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Baby Point

41 Raymond Avenue

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Sold for $400,000+ Over Asking in 6 Days!
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Baby Point

17 Orchard Crest Road

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